I oscillate between “Ok, I can handle this if I take it one step at a time” and “I literally just want to cry and hide and I’m terrified and I’m frozen.”
First, I’m sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. You aren't alone; many do. That's a pretty natural response to how much is being thrown at us. My colleague Saba Bando recently started a little advice corner for folks related to our emotional responses to the coup, as many feel just as you do. Here’s a link to her answering that very question— about being paralysed and overwhelmed:
It’s natural. I agree: just let yourself be in that feeling first. I suggest naming your fears as the way to start makimg them smaller and getting unstuck. You don’t have to do anything, as Saba also stresses. Just be where you are at, let yourself feel your feelings. Know you have options and can explore them if and when you want. That is one. There are things to consider. That is all.
I am a luddite and have not switched to using proton; I barely understand what VPN is. That’s okay. There is time. I’ll watch some tutorials for beginners, when I’m ready. And maybe I'll leave Google. But I will do the easy steps like freeze my credit. Small steps is the key to being unstuck, too.
I also took a staycation two weeks ago and put aside my phone for 48 hours. Edited a romcom I wrote that I hadn't found the headspace to focus on. We need balance for our mental health. We need light, air, laughter, company, joy and to feel hope. Getting out of our heads. Getting off doomscrolling, too. What can you do to bring some air into your head, some light into your thoughts? Hang out with a friend? Share your feelings. Maybe that’s your first step.
I think being where you are and being okay with that, is a first step. Just to be okay with whatever you are feeling and know it's just this moment, it will shift. Maybe try to talk about that with others. Saba is amazing, in truth. Very wise and calming. Email her- seriously. She is an excellent professional coach w great advice. It’s free and she will respond. See our larger campaign at www.resistingproject2025.org to read more about Saba’s Corner.
Do take a breath. And more. Do some of what makes you happy as an antidote to Trump’s shitshow. Ans remember, you are not alone and we are all here with you. Thanks for writing. -- AC
Yes, well aware. i like to think I give people a chance to practice their proofreading skills (just kidding). . We do have editors but I waa racing with this series as people so freaked out askimg for info and my editors and proof readers have day jobs with other deadlines this week. But I will try to do better. TY for caring. I care too. - ac
Wow! Thanks so much for Part 1 — the most easily comprehensible and informative guide to cyber-security that I have encountered (all previous offerings are ridiculously complicated, assume a high level of previous online knowledge, and just really indecipherable!). Looking forward to the subsequent 7parts as you presumably delve into home finances preparations!!
Glad it is clear and useful Randolph. If I can understand it, a child can, as I’m an OG luddite :). We all need to assess our risk, so cyber-education has become part of my 2025 agenda. Appreciate your feedback and resharing of content. - ac
I don’t get how anyone who welcomes these horrific moves could in any way be called ‘conservative’. They are sociopathic radicals and criminal nihilists.
Honestly, my phone and email are the least of my worries, how about some solid, to the point info on how to protect our financial information that the government has? They could wipe out our banking assets in a blink of an eye.
I’m looking at this. One thing some are considering is option of banking in foreign banks — but has caveats. i’m looking into this as usually offshore banking has dual tax and FARA reporting requirements and limits of $ x per account etc. The “HSBC Expat” program (below) seems like one possible option.
HSBC has an expat banking option to put your money in one of their local banks outside Us and have your money be always available in another currency even…totally legal… and you don’t need to be a resident abroad. There is also a plan for expats w residency abroad.
But caveat: I’m JUST looking into it, which is why I did not post or recommend it yet. I want to ask about HSBC offline banking and their security protocols. But do check it out. May be an option to deposit money into another financial system and currency (ies).
Wise is also an extablished reputable intl money platform and system that allows your to have and transfer your money in multiple currencies. They have a bankimg option. I am just explorimg it.
Am also researching options of pro and cons of safer investing— gold, other investments etc
We opened a Wise account a few weeks ago BUT noticed that your account is covered under your home base country and as we haven’t moved yet (potentially Ireland as my husband has dual citizenship) it still is based in DC and falls under FDIC unfortunately. We were wanting to convert bit of money to have on hand there and also hedge our bets with the small amount of money we do have in multiple currencies. 😕
Very mixed reviews of HBSC Expat visa.. IF you have a premier acct or a home bank then the Expat service seem easier… but lots of complaints of less than par customer seevice too on Reddit forums. I’m just the messenger here… must keep digging
We will investigate. Meantime, Wired doing great reporting. Reading them regularly. Also Gil Duran at The Nerd Reich and finance journo Nathan Mankus at Notes from a Crisis — looking onto IRS other imdep reg agency breaches - not only Treasury. More soon. Ac
With the stock market falling, it’s important for retired folks to have enough cash on hand to survive 2 years with negative returns and a possible interruption to social security and Medicare payments and benefits. Pension funds may also be affected.
Do what they do: sell short. As the Market falls they’re probably cleaning up. It should be illegal, but then so should many other things we’ve allowed to happen in America. All in the name of Business!
Efficiency sabotages freedom. Efficiency pretends to be a value, but is not a value. It eliminates the question, “Why are we doing this?“ It moves us quickly to thinking about how we do something and distracts us from meaning and purpose. An emphasis on efficiency leads us to reject other values, such as, respect for human dignity, empathy, compassion, fairness, justice, and integrity. Efficiency directs us to serve the purposes of others and restricts our choices. Ultimately, efficiency dehumanizes as people become the means to the end: “If efficiency is the only measure then values evaporate and solidarity is impossible.“ - adapted from Professor Timothy Snyder in On Freedom.
Due to efficiency, jobs, healthcare, social services, financial aid, biomedical research, and foreign aid are eliminated without consideration of the benefits to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This is the best (only?) actual PRACTICAL TO DO list in preparedness for the next 4 years into infinity that I've seen. Thank you for a DIRECTION to go in. Looking forward to the rest of the series. 🙏❤️
So glad to hear it's resonating Robbyn. The entire series is up now. Also, we'll keep doing more. Do feel free to ask about any issues you'd like us to dig into. - Take best care, ac
I just don’t know where to start.
I oscillate between “Ok, I can handle this if I take it one step at a time” and “I literally just want to cry and hide and I’m terrified and I’m frozen.”
Right now I’m in the terrified and frozen state.
Hey MRD,
First, I’m sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. You aren't alone; many do. That's a pretty natural response to how much is being thrown at us. My colleague Saba Bando recently started a little advice corner for folks related to our emotional responses to the coup, as many feel just as you do. Here’s a link to her answering that very question— about being paralysed and overwhelmed:
It’s natural. I agree: just let yourself be in that feeling first. I suggest naming your fears as the way to start makimg them smaller and getting unstuck. You don’t have to do anything, as Saba also stresses. Just be where you are at, let yourself feel your feelings. Know you have options and can explore them if and when you want. That is one. There are things to consider. That is all.
I am a luddite and have not switched to using proton; I barely understand what VPN is. That’s okay. There is time. I’ll watch some tutorials for beginners, when I’m ready. And maybe I'll leave Google. But I will do the easy steps like freeze my credit. Small steps is the key to being unstuck, too.
I also took a staycation two weeks ago and put aside my phone for 48 hours. Edited a romcom I wrote that I hadn't found the headspace to focus on. We need balance for our mental health. We need light, air, laughter, company, joy and to feel hope. Getting out of our heads. Getting off doomscrolling, too. What can you do to bring some air into your head, some light into your thoughts? Hang out with a friend? Share your feelings. Maybe that’s your first step.
I think being where you are and being okay with that, is a first step. Just to be okay with whatever you are feeling and know it's just this moment, it will shift. Maybe try to talk about that with others. Saba is amazing, in truth. Very wise and calming. Email her- seriously. She is an excellent professional coach w great advice. It’s free and she will respond. See our larger campaign at www.resistingproject2025.org to read more about Saba’s Corner.
Do take a breath. And more. Do some of what makes you happy as an antidote to Trump’s shitshow. Ans remember, you are not alone and we are all here with you. Thanks for writing. -- AC
It’s OK, MRD. Just breathe deeply. You can do it when you are ready.
Yes, well aware. i like to think I give people a chance to practice their proofreading skills (just kidding). . We do have editors but I waa racing with this series as people so freaked out askimg for info and my editors and proof readers have day jobs with other deadlines this week. But I will try to do better. TY for caring. I care too. - ac
Wow! Thanks so much for Part 1 — the most easily comprehensible and informative guide to cyber-security that I have encountered (all previous offerings are ridiculously complicated, assume a high level of previous online knowledge, and just really indecipherable!). Looking forward to the subsequent 7parts as you presumably delve into home finances preparations!!
Glad it is clear and useful Randolph. If I can understand it, a child can, as I’m an OG luddite :). We all need to assess our risk, so cyber-education has become part of my 2025 agenda. Appreciate your feedback and resharing of content. - ac
I don't even know what a LUDDITE is! 😜
I don’t get how anyone who welcomes these horrific moves could in any way be called ‘conservative’. They are sociopathic radicals and criminal nihilists.
Honestly, my phone and email are the least of my worries, how about some solid, to the point info on how to protect our financial information that the government has? They could wipe out our banking assets in a blink of an eye.
I’m looking at this. One thing some are considering is option of banking in foreign banks — but has caveats. i’m looking into this as usually offshore banking has dual tax and FARA reporting requirements and limits of $ x per account etc. The “HSBC Expat” program (below) seems like one possible option.
HSBC has an expat banking option to put your money in one of their local banks outside Us and have your money be always available in another currency even…totally legal… and you don’t need to be a resident abroad. There is also a plan for expats w residency abroad.
But caveat: I’m JUST looking into it, which is why I did not post or recommend it yet. I want to ask about HSBC offline banking and their security protocols. But do check it out. May be an option to deposit money into another financial system and currency (ies).
Expat banking acct:
Wise is also an extablished reputable intl money platform and system that allows your to have and transfer your money in multiple currencies. They have a bankimg option. I am just explorimg it.
Am also researching options of pro and cons of safer investing— gold, other investments etc
Great, thank you for doing extensive research on this, I think it’s the most pressing concern for people right now.
We opened a Wise account a few weeks ago BUT noticed that your account is covered under your home base country and as we haven’t moved yet (potentially Ireland as my husband has dual citizenship) it still is based in DC and falls under FDIC unfortunately. We were wanting to convert bit of money to have on hand there and also hedge our bets with the small amount of money we do have in multiple currencies. 😕
Im looking into it.
Very mixed reviews of HBSC Expat visa.. IF you have a premier acct or a home bank then the Expat service seem easier… but lots of complaints of less than par customer seevice too on Reddit forums. I’m just the messenger here… must keep digging
If I find anything helpful, I’ll let you know! The banking thing is definitely key for all of us.
A good resource is a blog and associated book called Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons.
Thanks Sun
“Has it been copied and stored on Elon Musk’s private servers? How can we know?”
I’m sure the data has, did it get shared to Putin?
We will investigate. Meantime, Wired doing great reporting. Reading them regularly. Also Gil Duran at The Nerd Reich and finance journo Nathan Mankus at Notes from a Crisis — looking onto IRS other imdep reg agency breaches - not only Treasury. More soon. Ac
With the stock market falling, it’s important for retired folks to have enough cash on hand to survive 2 years with negative returns and a possible interruption to social security and Medicare payments and benefits. Pension funds may also be affected.
Most people don’t have 2 years cash.
Most don’t have 2 weeks of cash
And assume the value of dollar will crash.
Yep, but I’m terminal so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do what they do: sell short. As the Market falls they’re probably cleaning up. It should be illegal, but then so should many other things we’ve allowed to happen in America. All in the name of Business!
Efficiency sabotages freedom. Efficiency pretends to be a value, but is not a value. It eliminates the question, “Why are we doing this?“ It moves us quickly to thinking about how we do something and distracts us from meaning and purpose. An emphasis on efficiency leads us to reject other values, such as, respect for human dignity, empathy, compassion, fairness, justice, and integrity. Efficiency directs us to serve the purposes of others and restricts our choices. Ultimately, efficiency dehumanizes as people become the means to the end: “If efficiency is the only measure then values evaporate and solidarity is impossible.“ - adapted from Professor Timothy Snyder in On Freedom.
Due to efficiency, jobs, healthcare, social services, financial aid, biomedical research, and foreign aid are eliminated without consideration of the benefits to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This is the best (only?) actual PRACTICAL TO DO list in preparedness for the next 4 years into infinity that I've seen. Thank you for a DIRECTION to go in. Looking forward to the rest of the series. 🙏❤️
So glad to hear it's resonating Robbyn. The entire series is up now. Also, we'll keep doing more. Do feel free to ask about any issues you'd like us to dig into. - Take best care, ac
Excellently done AC. Thank you. An activist I trust with a huge following has partnered with Proton to give a 64% discount to his fellow activists.
I signed up for it and I'm having ALL KINDS OF PROBLEMS! 😬
Thanks. Really frightening.
Buy blackrock stocks
READ THIS. It applies to all of us citizens.